Throwback Blog….Daylight Savings Time

December 9, 2008 at 8:22 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Daylight savings has fucked my whole shit up. It feels like a monday…i feel like i have a whole week to work when really this is my last day before a few off….Which i guess is a good thing…maybe we should have daylight savings time about every month….Actually screw that just knock me out and wake me up when its warm again. 

VA’s weather is controlled by someone that’s bi-polar…seriously in the last two weeks we’ve gone from frost to 60 to raining to actual fall weather. Its a wonder people are ever actually healthy in VA…because god knows the body has no idea what to do. It’s like your body is playing a massive game of simon says…or red light green light with mother nature…one fuck up and you’re sick for a week.

Have you realized that it seems to be perfectly acceptable to be racist against asian people…doesn’t matter where they are from…Though it would be hard if we could only be racists against South Koreans or something…you’d have to ask everyone you suspect before something..because THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME…see even in caps there will be no backlash because somewhere down the line the FCC, ACLU, and whatever other organizations just decided that they’ve got too much shit on their plate and they had to pick a race to ignore..

I mean think about it…TV shows…movies…what isn’t bleeped out on tv….If i had a show that featured Jerome the black dice player that speaks only in slang eats watermelon, chicken and drinks 40oz’s i would be kicked off of TV before the intro music ended.

But if it was Lee who was great at math..shy..short with a small dick…no problem…

Case in point, watch any rush hour movie. Chris Tucker comes off as the most racist man alive…I’m sure when they were accused of it they just said…nuh uh…look they’re partners.(wow i just realized jackie chan’s character’s name IS Actuallly Lee)

You think Jackie Chan actually liked doing his own stunts? FALSE, he was forced to, because he was viewed as 2nd class and no one would step in for him..Poor bastard. I bet George Clooney has never even thought of doing stunts…in fact an asian was probably called in to do it for him.

I’m happy about the Obama thing…but i don’t play around and think things are going to change…i mean he will do some things…but overall politics in america are more about image than anything else now…mainly because congress is all about being a career politician….can you blame them though…

Here’s your set up…sit in a room with all of you buddies and vote for whatever keeps you in the sweet ass club you’re in. People throw you money just to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Girls, no problem…you get free shit everywhere…sounds nice.

It would be like if you were in elementary school and you got invited to be in a club that had the sickest tree house…a Sega AND super nintendo…unlimited cookies…and you were allowed to drink soda…All you have to do is kiss up to the kid’s parents even if you don’t like the other people in it…even if you don’t believe what the parents want or say…doesn’t matter you’re staying in that fucking clubhouse..cuz mom only lets you have sprite…or other soda without caffiene…and you are pretty sure caffiene is what life’s all about.

Ant says people wanna stick him for his starch…that’s how you know when you’ve moved up in the world…when you relate to Biggie’s songs through missing laundry aids. I can’t wait until Ant re-makes Ice Cube’s today was a good day….it would include chipotle, lifting weights in small shirts, the eagles winning, hanging out with mascots, but just like Cube’s doesn’t end well…he has no starch and his pants dried wrong so now his legs are all itchy.

In related news…JMU Mike is known to fuck around and get a triple double…As well as knowing every word to the song “I get around” I’m gonna get him drunk and buy him the plastic glasses and nose that shockG wears so he can switch back and forth between them.

I wish on the end of one of Pirate Mike’s trips he would just come back with a life altering decision being made…like he’s part of the nation of Islam now and just walks in with the full get up and says praise to Allah after every few words. Or like all the sudden he just decides not to eat a fairly obscure food…DUDE YOU KNOW I DON’T EAT CILANTRO…OR BEETS…why would you make me cilantro beets for dinner…(i don’t think that’s real)

What happened to good old rock and roll bands…when is the last time you’ve heard a good story about a modern rock and roll band…It’s like…Oh i heard Hinder forgot to balance their checkbook the other day..they’re hardcore…Fucking pansies.

Ozzy Ozbourne would have already snorted a line of black ants…lapped up piss..and bit heads off of various animals (all true) by the time it took Nickleback to call around to check for better rates on their car insurance.

While Fall Out Boy are out getting Henna tattoos and mochas…Led Zeppelin is getting moms and daughters to sleep together…and Gene Simmons has found out there is something called AIDS II…Super Sypholreah…and mega crabs.

Scott Wiland (dont know how to spell his name…lead singer from STP) doesn’t do heroin anymore, Guns ‘N Roses hired a guitar player that wears a bucket on his head and axel wears corn rows. Nas was right when he said rap was dead..but he should have crossed out rap and said good mainstream music.

We can always count on two things making the music news though…George Michaels public masterbation and crack habit….And Michael Jackson’s obsession with kids…i wish Jackson came out with a cologne called obsession and it just smelled like cotton candy, kool-aid, and little boy penis.

Did you know MJ is actually trying to move into a house in Vegas across from an elementary school compliments of Steve Wynn…true story.. families in around the place are actually protesting..

You know you’re a piece of shit when moving to an area causes protests…

Horacio Sans and Jack Black’s comedy are both underused…jack black takes WHATEVER is thrown in his direction…too bad because he’s funny as shit and Kung-Fu panda was the worst premise for a movie ever.

MixedAssRachel: Has a rear view cam…now she only needs to invest in a front, left, and right cam…oh and a personal driver…then we will really be safe

We sell Shamwow!s at my store…didn’t know if you were aware…but they are made in Germany so you know they’re good…and they’ll save you 100’s of dollars that you would be spending on paper towel

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